Custombit software a medida Numerador Custombit  v9.5
Numbering Software Numerador Custombit
variable data printing

Numbering Software

Advanced Numbering Printing Solution with Visual Editing
(Primus inter pares)

Numerador Custombit
Numerador is a comprehensive Windows-based visual Bates Numbering software designed for seamless printing of
numbered forms, invoices, vouchers, raffles, tickets, ID cards, bulk mailing, and any printed material requiring Sequential Numbers and Variable Data.

Experience the ultimate in Bates numbering software!

Every virtual numberer is represented by a numbering label, intuitively positioned on the digital sheet using either the mouse or keyboard arrows.

You have the option to choose a background image as a visual guide, which can be printed or left out, depending on whether the numbers need to be printed on pre-designed forms, for example.

Chinese, Japanese and Roman Numerals Accepted Here!
Numerador Custombit!
1 - Simple and Intuitive
Sequential numbered labels are placed using the mouse, and can be finely tuned with the keyboard arrow keys.
Numerador is a WYSIWYG editor: “what you see is what you get”.

2 - Safe
By placing the labels directly over the scanned or exported image you can't go wrong.

3 - Efficient
Numerador is designed to operate with minimal computer resources while producing prints of the highest quality.

4 - Reliable
Trustful Numbering and Variable Data results. ‘Numerador Custombit’ simply works.

Numbering Software
Raffle numbering with Numerador Custombit

The background and variable image can be any of:

PNG Portable Network Graphics
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
BMP Bitmap
TIFF Tagged Image File Format
EMF Enhanced Metafile
WMF Windows Metafile
PDF Portable Document Format

You can place the number of labels you want.

Numbering labels are independent from each other and have their own properties:

• X and Y Coordinates Labels’ position can be set using X and Y coordinates, or by dragging the label with the mouse or holding down the CTRL key while pressing either the left, right, up or down arrow.
• From – To Are the beginning and end of the series.
• Increment Difference between one number and the next in the series. It can be a positive or negative integer (increment or decrement).
• Number of digits The number of digits in the integer. If needed it will be completed with leading characters contained in the “Fill with” field.
• Prefix Any text you want to appear before the number.
• Suffix Any text you want to appear after the number.
• Font Select font, style, size and effects.
• Custom color Select the color from the Color Dialog Box.
• Align Horizontal alignment to left or right.
• Slant Angle of rotation (in degrees).
• Numeral system Hindu–Arabic, Chinese, Japanese or Roman Numerals; Have your passport at hand!

Variable Data

Variable Data Labels are of Text, Image and QR Code types, and will get their data from a list created by you with the simple and reputable “copy” and “paste” method.

  • Sequential Numbering
  • Variable Texts
  • Variable Images
  • QR Codes
Variable Data Printing
(Example created using a diploma designed by Freepik)
More information in the help file
Numerador help file

Try Before You Buy

You can try Numerador for 30 days for free before purchasing it.

Requirements: Windows 7, 10 or 11.

See a quick example at Youtube

Buy now! You can pay using a credit card or PayPal
USD 135.00
USD 110.00

One license, no annual fees or subscriptions.

One License

One Numerador's License is valid for a single computer and we extend it to a second auxiliary equipment of the same user, as for “working from home”.

Or, if you do prefer
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